Academy Studio at ASRM
Join our Academy Studio live at ASRM (Booth 523) for interactive and inspirational sessions and demonstrations.
Unable to join ASRM in New Orleans? Don’t worry, we will be live-streaming all our presentations and demonstrations from the studio via our Social Media channels. Visit our LinkedIn channels and join in!
Discover Academy Online, a series of online training courses – a complement to our other courses and workshops. Find out more about the offer and request an account to try our available online course.
Presentations from ASRM Academy 2023
Tiffany Stankewicz, Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh & Dr. Allison K. Rodgers
Dialogue about endometrial analysis
Nasser Al-Asmar, Prof Carlos Simón & Prof David Gardner
The future of the IVF Lab
Carmen Rubio
EMBRACE (niPGT-A) user meeting at ESHRE
Nasser Al-Asmar
Non-invasive products of conception (niPOC)
Shannon Kirkpatrick & Angela Linville
Biopsy and tubing best practices
Charles Bornmann
Workflow efficiency with Time lapse
Chister Silversand
Scientific Consultant
Hamish Hamilton
Gx Media Benefits of taking the leap of faith and seeing all three as a single
Julio Martín
Carrier Screening
Tiffany Stankewicz
Advancing the analysis of the endometrial microbiome
Bruno Coprerski
PGT A new features
Dr. Robert Greene
20 years of EmbryoGlue
Welcome to explore our news at ASRM

Smart PGT-A Plus
A new enhanced version of our PGT-A test that now also includes features such as Genetic PN check, contamination and sibling quality control.
Learn more about PGT-A Plus
Infertility Panels
Our latest test, specifically designed to identify frequently altered genes causing monogenic infertility that can guide couples towards the most effective treatment options.
Learn more about Infertility Panels
CGT is an advanced genetic test performed before pregnancy that determines the risk of having a child with a genetic disease. It helps prevent disorders without cure.
Learn more about CGT
KaryoMap v2
Delivering enhanced probe coverage across the genome with increased informative markers along with the new kMap software.
Coming soon
Upgraded EMMA & ALICE
Based on more than 70.000 samples we can now detect bacteria at the species level, allowing for more targeted treatments.
Learn more about EMMA & ALICE
A non-invasive, tissue-independent approach for assessing the origin of early pregnancy loss, determining chromosomal abnormalities, through a simple blood test.
Learn more about niPOC
Our well-known iDAScore AI algorithm has been further trained on data from an additional 65,000 embryo time-lapse sequences. iDAScore now includes embryo ranking on day 2 and day 3 in addition to blastocyst evaluation.
Learn more about iDAScore
Gx Media
Our latest addition in our media portfolio which will soon be available in all major market regions.It includes triple antioxidant protection for improved embryo viability.
Learn more about Gx Media
A device that provides accurate, consistent and easy temperature measurements in the IVF lab together with our labware dishes.
Learn more about VitroTemp