When you’re undergoing fertility treatment, you often have a heightened awareness of your body. After embryo transfer, you’ll be looking for all possible signs of good news – however, the symptoms of successful implantation can be quite subtle. After all, implantation happens quite close to when you would usually get your period, so it is easy to mistake the signs with your usual pre-menstrual pattern. In this article, we clarify the symptoms of successful implantation, so you can differentiate them from your regular cycle.
The Key Symptoms of Successful Implantation
The first stage of pregnancy is when a sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell. After this, the cells begin to divide and increase in number. After approximately five days, the embryo will reach the blastocyst stage. The blastocyst then burrows itself into the uterus wall, which is when successful implantation occurs. When implantation occurs, some women will experience symptoms. These are:
- Cramps. When the embryo implants, you might feel some discomfort. Every woman is different, so not everyone feels stomach cramps. Unlike pre-menstrual cramps, the sensation is typically mild and will only last a day or two.
- Spotting. Spotting is also known as implantation bleeding. Some women experience spotting between 10 to 14 days after conception, which is around when you will expect your period.
How to Tell the Difference Between Implantation Bleeding and Your Period
Because implantation bleeding occurs so close to when your period is due, many women think they are having a period as normal. However, there are some key differences between a menstrual bleed and implantation spotting. These include:
- Color. Menstrual blood is usually dark red, whereas spotting is either pale pink or a rusty brown.
- Clotting. Unlike menstrual blood, implantation bleeding does not clot or congeal.
- Length. Spotting is much shorter than regular menstruation, which lasts approximately 3 and 7 days. In contrast, spotting can last anything from just a few hours to about three days.
- Amount. Spotting isn’t as heavy as menstruation. For instance, during spotting it is unlikely you’ll need to wear a tampon or pad – it is more a slight pink or brown discharge that you’ll notice after you go to the toilet.
Further Signs of Successful Implantation
Implantation is the sign that your fertility treatment has been a success and you may become pregnant. However, everyone is different – so there are a few more symptoms that some women may experience. Below, we list some other symptoms of successful implantation
- Sensitive breasts. After implantation, you might find that breasts appear swollen or feel sore. This happens because of changes in your hormone levels.
- Mood swings. You might feel emotional compared to your usual self, which is also due to changes in your hormone levels.
- Bloating. Although feeling bloating usually happens before your period, it can also be a sign of pregnancy.
- Changing tastes. Pregnancy can make you adverse certain tastes or smells.
- Blocked nose. As your hormones level adjust, it can cause mucous membranes to swell. Some women also experience nose bleeds.
- Constipation. Hormonal changes can also change your digestive system, causing constipation or indigestion.