Everyone imagines that when they first decide to start a family, they’ll get pregnant right away. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen so easily for everyone. Difficulty conceiving, whether you have sought the help of a fertility specialist or not, can be stressful and isolating. Finding a fertility support group can be extremely valuable in helping you cope and can help relieve your feelings of isolation.
Why Infertility Support Groups Can Help
Feelings of sadness, failure, jealousy or, grief as the result of a pregnancy loss can be overwhelming for a couple. To have a safe space to connect with others like you, who may have gone through similar experiences and can empathize,and support you can be encouraging. These groups may also be useful for providing perspective and insights.They also provide a group of fellow patients and couples who can provide the benefit of their experience to help guide your journey.. Whether it’s stress management such as yoga, relationship advice such as couples counseling or something they did as part of their treatment protocol like preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A or formerly called PGS), you can exchange ideas on relevant experiences.
How to Find Infertility Support Groups That Meet in Person
Resolve, the National Infertility Association, has an online search tool where you can look up a local support group near you. You can also ask your clinic or even your place of worship if they have a relevant group.If for some reason none of these resources offer any infertility support groups, a general internet search for “Infertility Support Groups Near Me” might produce a result. You may also consider starting your own support group in your area and letting Resolve and your clinic know that you will be creating one for others like yourself.
Infertility Support Groups That Meet Online
Support groups that meet online might be more convenient or make you feel more comfortable.. Resolve also has online resources, and there are many online infertility sites that have online communities that you could join. Facebook provides space for private groups you could request to join., There are several ”trying to conceive” chat boards where you can connect with others who are also going through fertility treatment. You may also be inspired to start your own online infertility support group!It’s important to remember that anything discussed online, just like anything you might discuss in your in-person infertility support groups that’s medical related, should always be ultimately confirmed with your doctor as you want to ensure you have the most accurate information!Connecting with infertility support groups has so many benefits. Discussing your feelings and talking them out with those who truly understand can help reduce stress and manage some of the negative feelings you may be experiencing. Plus, you can gain new cycle buddies, friends and a support network you can rely on while in the “trying to conceive” trenches!