Whether you’re reading someone else’s trying to conceive blog or creating one of your own, reaching out to the online fertility community can be an opportunity to connect with others who may have been diagnosed with a similar condition as yours, to lend each other support, share resources, advice or simply vent as you go through infertility treatment. In this blog, we review healthy and responsible ways to make a trying to conceive blog a tool to not only help others but find some guidance along your path to parenthood and use as a virtual journal in a way that you feel comfortable.
What Trying to Conceive Blog Resonate with You?
If you to Google, “Trying to Conceive Blog”, you will find a wide array of blogs that range from clinical, to humorous, to emotional. Are there two or three you find yourself going back to weekly and if so, why? Do you like the style of writing? The content? The way the writer shares his or her fertility journey? Some blogs offer links to research that might help inform your fertility journey while others may post funny memes that allow you a moment to NOT think about how stressed you may be about your upcoming cycle. If you’re considering starting your own trying to conceive blog, you may want to consider incorporating some of the elements that you enjoy reading on someone’s blog and offering it to your own readers.On this note though, it’s important to mention that if you tend to like medical or clinical trying to conceive blogs and you’re not in the medical field, you should always be mindful on offering any advice when it comes to treatment. You can share links to sites from a doctor you like, hyperlink to PDF’s or studies you think may be compelling but be clear to whoever is reading that they should always discuss whatever they read on your trying to conceive blog with their doctor.
Who Do You Want Reading Your Trying to Conceive Blog?
Now that you’ve decided what the tone of your trying to conceive blog is going to be, you need to decide how personal and open you want it to be. Are you ok with the online world knowing your fertility business? Your Co-Workers? Your In-Laws? If you’re going through IVF or if you’ve endured recurrent pregnancy losses, you may not want everyone in your life knowing. This is also you should discuss with your partner as well to see if they are comfortable with you sharing your fertility journey online.If you decide that you’d like your trying to conceive blog to be private, some blogs have the option to make it password protected. You can also not use your real name, photo or provide specific details so no one will be able to trace the trying to conceive blog will be able to specific to trace it back to you. Some prefer this as they feel fully empowered to express themselves without fear of offending anyone as no one knows it’s them.
A Trying to Conceive Blog Can’t Replace a Doctor
A trying to conceive blog can be an online support group, a coping mechanism and an outlet where you can share the ups and downs of trying to conceive, especially when it comes to fertility treatment. It can also be a place where you provide advice, resources and insight on each other’s journey but as we mentioned earlier, it’s so important to do this responsibly.A common trend that’s both good and bad is patients sharing on their trying to conceive blogs what worked for them on their IVF cycles. On one hand, it’s good because you can then consider them for your own upcoming treatment. On the other hand, it might not be right for your diagnosis, so it’s encouraged that you always speak to your doctor about anything you may have read about on a trying to conceive blog.For example, if you read on a trying to conceive blog that the writer’s IVF cycle was unsuccessful, and their doctor was concerned that it due to an implantation issue. Therefore, before her next cycle, her doctor is going to do an ERA Test, (Endometrial Receptivity Analysis) which evaluate a woman’s endometrial lining. This doesn’t necessarily mean your last IVF wasn’t successful because of the same exact reason. Every patient’s protocol and recommended treatment is tailored to them, so the best course of action is to speak with their reproductive endocrinologist.On the flip side, you might share on your trying to conceive blog that your doctor is recommending IVF with Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A) also known as PGS. You might explain that PGT-A increases your chances of implantation and decreases your chances of a miscarriage by identifying chromosomally normal embryos for transfer. It would also be beneficial to recommend that your blog readers speak to their doctor about the test to learn more. If you have had a history of miscarriages, this may be why your doctor recommended this specifically for you but again, it may not be the right fit for everyone. You could also provide a link to Resolve: the National Infertility Association information on genetic testing in general for them to see if it would even fit their situation.The online world can be a powerful place to connect with others, especially with the amount of trying to conceive blogs there are out there! It reminds you just how many people are dealing with trying to conceive concerns, infertility, fertility treatment and trying to figure out what would be the best way to have a family for them. With the right attitude, resources and tools, you can make your blog help both you and others as they get closer to be a parent… one click at a time!